U.S.S. UTAH 1923 in the PANAMA CANAL
Dave is pictured here with John Dillinger. When Dillinger's father refused to allow him to use the car, Johnnie walked to a local church and stole one. He was later found by a police officer roaming aimlessly through the streets of Indianapolis.
The policeman questioned Johnnie and becoming suspicious of his explanations, pulled him over to a call box. Johnnie broke loose and ran. Knowing he couldn’t go back home, the next day he joined the United States Navy. After training at Greak Lakes was assigned to the USS Utah.
Although he made it through basic training, the regimented life of the Navy was not the lifestyle Johnnie had been seeking. Assigned to the ill-fated battleship, the Utah, Johnnie hopped ship while docked in Boston and headed home to Mooresville. His military career had lasted less than five months.
He became a deserter in 1923, and was utlimately discharged dishonorably.